Friday, November 16, 2012


Love is a funny thing… Not that I would know any thing about it. ;)  This week in class, we learned about two different kinds of love.  Love that we have for other human beings, and love we SHOULD have for Christ. 

Tuesday morning Adam Donyes talked with us about relationships.  It was really interesting to hear a Godly man’s advice on how to form good relationships; luckily, as a girl, it’s pretty easy.  We are TREASURES.  Now, if you’ve ever seen Indiana Jones, you know that he worked pretty darn hard to find the priceless treasures he was looking for.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that the Holy Grail was walking around looking for someone to find it.  It was guarded by tons of different traps and tests to ensure that the right person, worthy of possessing it, was the discoverer.  Like wise, we should guard our hearts, and allow men to be the ones hunting us.  It shouldn’t be easy.  They need to work hard to prove their character and earn our hearts.  Lust is a feeling, but Love is a commitment.  Don’t confuse the two. 

Thursday, Andrew Munneke talked to us about Spiritual Formation in Contemporary Culture.  Yeah, that was intimidating first slide.  Don’t worry, he really broke it down and unpacked each word to help us understand what he meant. 

Spiritual – πνεύμα (nooma) Among humans, the immaterial aspect of humanity.  Also used to describe the third person of the trinity.  The spirit.

Formation – Morphe – shaped and molded. 

Spiritual Formation – Shaped and molded to the Holy Spirit.  It is the intentional transformation of the inner person to the character of Christ.  It is a conscious decision to be shaped by God’s Grace.

Culture – Cultra – Started in agriculture by taking something natural and making better.  A cultured person has taken steps to increase their knowledge.  There are different cultures, called sub-cultures, within cultures.  For instance, I live in Branson.  There are things in Branson that Bransonians find acceptable that most people outside of Branson would see differently; for example, Mullets.  Branson is a sub-culture of the United States.  Within Branson, there is the Kanakuk Culture, and within that, the Link Year culture.  In all of these sub-cultures, different things are mediated.  Culture uses Language, Images, Artifacts, and Rituals to mediate Meaning, Value, and Identity.  Take a $100 bill for example.  In reality, it is just a tiny piece of green paper.  Our culture tells us that it represents money, and has a value of 100 dollars.  We then find our identity in the fact that we have a $100 bill. 

Culture causes our priorities to change.  Instead of desiring a relationship with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, we desire relationships with Boys.  Instead of spending time getting to know our savior, we spend time playing games and gossiping.  Instead of using our financial blessings to help others in need, we spend it on material possessions that will fade away.  We choose not to show the image of God because we are showing the image of the world.  Consumerism is the #1 religion of our world today.  We find our hope, joy, and identity in the products we own.  Our satisfaction cannot be purchased.  We will never truly be satisfied until we can learn to love the Lord our God with all our soul, mind, and strength.  Spiritual Formation is a choice.  But it is more rewarding than anything this world could ever give you. 

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” –Ephesians 6:19-20

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