Sunday, December 2, 2012

Intimacy with Christ

This week we were privileged to hear from Shay Robbins, the men’s director at Kanakuk K-2.  Let me tell you, this man is passionate about others.  He is a truly caring man, who makes a point to invest in the lives of every person he comes into contact with.  It was a real treat to get to hear his heart over the past three days. 

            Shay spoke to us about having an intimate relationship with God.  In the Old Testament, God lived in the Temple.  Only the priest could enter in to the most inner place of the temple, the dwelling place of God.  As a precaution, they would tie a rope around his ankle, because, if he had any un-confessed sin in his life, he would drop dead right then and there.  There was no room for hidden sin in the presence of God.  He would sprinkle sacrificial blood on the holy of holies- the resting place of God, in order to atone for the sins of all of Israel. 

            Now, we don’t have to worry about GOING to find God.  He no longer dwells in the temple.  We have become the temple.  He dwells within us. As he died on the cross, his final words were “It is finished.”  With this, he ended the ritual process of sacrifice, and atonement.  He had made the ultimate sacrifice and atoned for all the sins of anyone ever.  All past, present, and future sins.  Paid for.  Imagine this as your debt… all of you past present and future debt- out the window.  Taken care of.  Now, imagine this for every single person to ever live here on earth.  Wouldn’t that make life easy? 

            Because of this perfect sacrifice and atonement, we are no longer separated from God.  We do not need to be righteous to be near to him.  We can have intimacy with him like Adam and Eve had in the Garden. 

            Sometimes, it’s discouraging to hear the stories of the bible, and think about the power of the presence of god in those situations.  Today, we don’t feel like we experience the power of God.  We are Distracted, uncommitted, and lazy.  We are separated from God by Darkness.  We base religion on knowledge and morality, not faith.   We care too much about prosperity to truly commit to God, and we are too unwilling to let go of the sin in our lives.  We hide behind our guilt and shame.  Mostly, we are afraid of what our lives would be if we truly committed to God.   To drop all else, and live for the Lord.  This fear eliminates the power of the believer. 

            Satan’s greatest strategy is to remove depth from our lives.  This is something that he is becoming more and more successful with.  Years ago, relationships developed through personal, face-to-face contact.  If you had a beef to pick with someone, you had to go to them, talk to them, see their reactions, hear their voice, think on your feet, and respond quickly.  Nowadays, our relationships are only as deep as the distance between our face and the screen in front of us.  Our relationships are becoming more and more shallow.   With this lack of depth comes a lack of intimacy, and with that comes a lack of power.  This power is divided into three categories- spiritual power (faith and trust), supernatural power (prayer and understanding), and the power to love well (love your neighbor as yourself). Without this power, we can not serve to our full potential as Christians. 

            We enter into God through Jesus (John 14:6), but we communicate with God through the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit has developed some what of a bad reputation amongst churches.  It is often overlooked, or pushed out of view.  It’s kind of the redheaded-stepchild of the Trinity.  I believe that this is because it is not very well understood.  The Holy Spirit dwells within every believer.  It is what speaks to us, and how we speak to God. 

            The power of God exceeds any understanding we have of power here on Earth.  Blows it out of the water.  But it is important to make things right before God before asking him to unleash his power in our lives.  It is important to vacate our hearts and minds of any hidden sin in our lives before coming before God.  This is the process of taking an authentic look at thin junk in our lives, and turning from it. 

     Psalm 139:23-24 -  Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way.

     Lamentations 3:39-40 - Why should any living man complain when punished for his sins? Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.

     Jeremiah 15:19 - Therefore this is what the LORD says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will.

            God speaks to us in many ways.  He is ALWAYS speaking to us.  He does this through many different methods:
§  Through His word- 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12
§  Through Creation- Genesis 1, Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1
§  Through God’s People- Proverbs, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20
§  Through the Holy Spirit
§  Through Dreams and Visions

Likewise, we receive it in different ways:
§  Revelation, or sudden knowledge
§  Illumination, or a new understanding of something old
§  Impressions/Nudging, or the ‘voice of God.’
§  Conviction, or letting us know when we have done, or are
about to do something stupid

            Having spiritual discipline will help to develop a close intimacy with God.  These disciplines include, but are not limited to Solitude, prayer, meditation, fasting, and study. 

            Solitude allows us to simplify our lives, and turn down the noise around us in order to hear God.  After all, even Jesus made time to spend alone with his Father.

            Prayer is our way of talking to our father.  Imagine the love a father feels in his heart when he hears the voice of their child.  He loves to hear from us.  However, this is an intimate part of our relationship with God.  It is not something that is meant to be done in order to show off.  God tells us that what we do in secret, he will repay us for (Matthew 6:18).  God makes it very clear in Matthew how we should pray to him.  Many people know this as the Lord’s Prayer. 

Hallowed be thy name.  Give Him His due Glory.  Humble yourself before him.  Think about it, if you had a friend that just told you how great you are all the time, wouldn’t you hang around them all the time? Duh, yeah.  Why wouldn’t you?  Why wouldn’t God dwell in the place where he is adored? Your kingdom come.  Jesus is coming.  Get pumped.   Your will be done.  Submit to his will. Give us this day, our daily bread.   Make requests for things you NEED, not want.  Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.  Repent.  Lead us not into temptation.  Help us to live for YOU.

            Meditation is a deep contemplation and asking internal questions.  In Eastern culture, meditation is the detachment from life’s worries. Christian meditation is the detachment from distraction, confusion, media, anxiety, and pretty much any thing that takes our eyes off of Christ.  Once we are detached from all these things, we can attach our minds to Godly thoughts, scriptures, and other life lessons.  When we are obedient to God we will prosper. 

            Fasting is the practice of depriving ourselves of a necessity in order to learn how to truly depend on God.  It humbles us to the point that we can see how easy it is to depend on ourselves, but how rewarding it can be to depend on Christ.  In the words of Shay Robbins, “In our society, the gift of fasting is much more meaningful than the gift of money.” 

            Finally, by studying, we can learn more about the word of God.  Shay taught us to study by using the acronym S.O.A.P.  First, read a scripture.  Second, make an observation.  Find a way to apply it, and pray a prayer of understanding, thanksgiving or application. 

            Through these methods, we can develop a more intimate relationship with God.  The more you get to know God, the more you will want to know him.  Once we reach a level of intimacy with our Creator and Savior, we will be able to experience a new level of peace in our lives. 
            This is a lesson that everyone should hear.  For myself, it has shown me just how sweet a relationship with God can be.  However, it is definitely a work in process.  It will not just happen overnight.  It is something that we must work for in order to see the rewards that God has in store for us. 

  "Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." – Ephesians 6:19-20

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